Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Basic Concepts of Intercultural Communication Edited by: Milton J. Bennett. - ppt download

Basic Concepts of Intercultural Communication Edited by: Milton J. Bennett. - ppt download: What is the meaning of assimilation? the process of becoming an accepted part of a country or group Longman online dictionary What must you do to become accepted? Change your customs? Change your behaviour? Change your values? To what extent?

A Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity Source: Milton J. Bennett Power and Difference March 20, ppt download

A Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity Source: Milton J. Bennett Power and Difference March 20, ppt download: I. Denial of Difference “As long as we all speak the same language, there’s no problem.” “The main concerns I have involve knowing how to get around and ordering in restaurants.” “With my experience, I can be successful in any culture without any special effort.” “All big cities are the same – lots of big buildings, too many cars, etc.” The inability to construe cultural difference. Indicated by benign stereotyping (well-meant but ignorant or naïve observations) and superficial statements of tolerance. May sometimes be accompanied by attribution of deficiency in intelligence or personality to culturally deviant behavior. Tendency to dehumanize outsiders.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Last session

Hi everyone,
please upload the software review to your blogs as an independent tab on your top menu.
Also remember that this Saturday you will do your presentations of the mind map of the assigned readings. Post your mind maps to your blogs. The presentations should last 15 minutes.
Don´t forget that the due date for making your last post on your blog is Friday. Please check instructions for this under the Class Policies tab.
Although we agreed to have one more week to complete the final paper, I want to listen to what your main argument will be and how you will support it. We will use the last part of the session on Saturday to talk about it.
Kristen has sent me some material which I have included on materials page>session 2.
I also posted the powerpoints that I used last class.

See you soon,
José A.

Monday, September 19, 2016


Hi everyone,
It was great to have you last weekend in class. Please check out the syllabus for the assignments and coming reading material.
I have already posted the power points I used last class on the Materials page.
Remember that your first assignment is due this coming Friday.
José A.