Wednesday, April 15, 2020

A Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity Source: Milton J. Bennett Power and Difference March 20, ppt download

A Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity Source: Milton J. Bennett Power and Difference March 20, ppt download: I. Denial of Difference “As long as we all speak the same language, there’s no problem.” “The main concerns I have involve knowing how to get around and ordering in restaurants.” “With my experience, I can be successful in any culture without any special effort.” “All big cities are the same – lots of big buildings, too many cars, etc.” The inability to construe cultural difference. Indicated by benign stereotyping (well-meant but ignorant or naïve observations) and superficial statements of tolerance. May sometimes be accompanied by attribution of deficiency in intelligence or personality to culturally deviant behavior. Tendency to dehumanize outsiders.

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