Connect the Fours Game

Assignment Sheet: Journal for week 12

Objective: The main of this assignment is to further your conceptualization of concepts introduced in the reading The nexus of multimodality, multimodal literacy, and English language teaching in research and practice in higher education settings.

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1.    Read the material assigned, make your notes and highlight important ideas.
Go to this link and check the Play the Sample Game: Connect the Fours. Then click on Create New Game and click on the Help button that you will see on top of the text box. You will be given instructions on how to create the game. 

2. Now, based on the reading create a game where it is possible to check concepts or arguments of the reading. Take into account that you can use words and phrases to create the word groups of the game.  Whenever you have finished, the website will allow you to generate a link. Copy the link and paste below in the comments section.
 3.   Paste the link and then visit two of your classmates’ games and play them. Make a commentary to your classmates about their game, how you felt, or if there is any correction to make as far as how the game was designed.
4.   Due date: You must publish your game by Thursday midnight. Then you will have until 8:00 am before class to make your comments.

5. In Case you have any trouble with the game, feel free to look at any other of the Classtools Games to complete the assignment. 

6.   Grading Criteria:

a.   Quality of game in terms of appropriation of concepts read in the assigned reading
b.   That you followed the instruction
c.   Punctuality of publication
d.   Reply to two classmates

Let me know if you have any questions or difficulties


Juego de Connect the Four

Hoja de tareas: Diario de la semana 12

Objetivo: El objetivo principal de esta tarea es profundizar en la conceptualización de los conceptos introducidos en la lectura El nexo de la multimodalidad, la alfabetización multimodal y la enseñanza del inglés en la investigación y la práctica en entornos de educación superior.

1. Lee el material asignado, haz tus anotaciones y subraya las ideas importantes.

2. Ve a este enlace y revisa el Juego de muestra: Connect the Fours. Luego haz clic en Crear Nuevo Juego y haz clic en el botón de Ayuda que verás en la parte superior del cuadro de texto. Se te darán instrucciones sobre cómo crear el juego. 

2. Ahora, a partir de la lectura crea un juego donde se puedan comprobar conceptos o argumentos de la lectura. Ten en cuenta que puedes utilizar palabras y frases para crear los grupos de palabras del juego.  Cuando hayas terminado, la web te permitirá generar un enlace. Copia el enlace y pégalo abajo en la sección de comentarios.

 3.   Pega el enlace y luego visita dos de los juegos de tus compañeros y juega con ellos. Haz un comentario a tus compañeros sobre su juego, cómo te sentiste, o si hay alguna corrección que hacer en cuanto a cómo fue diseñado el juego.

4.   Fecha de entrega: Debes publicar tu juego antes de la medianoche del jueves. Luego tendrás hasta las 8:00 am antes de la clase para hacer tus comentarios.

5. En caso de que tengas algún problema con el juego, no dudes en mirar cualquier otro de los juegos de Classtools para completar la tarea. 

6. Criterios de calificación:

a.   Calidad del juego en cuanto a la apropiación de los conceptos leídos en la lectura asignada
b.   Que haya seguido las instrucciones
c.   Puntualidad de la publicación
d.   Respuesta a dos compañeros de clase

Hazme saber si tienes alguna duda o dificultad


  1. Game by Daniel Sánchez & Juan Carlos Díaz

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The instruction does not state that it is in pairs.

    3. Hi, I liked your game, the connections are clear and that shows the appropriation that you got of the text.
      Notice that in the category 'pedagogical applications' there is a misspelling: 'implemente.'

    4. Good game. I liked the authors category. I got a bit confused with Modes of Comunitation and Semiotic Resources, but I enjoyed playing it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Game by David Alejandro

    1. Hey, David. I liked your categories. We coincided on one of them (Multimodal Strategy Framework), even though we named them differently. I also liked how you created a category for all the skills because in my case I just chose one and I think your decision was more appropriate.

    2. Hi David. I think your game was really easy to follow. There was a category that was really easy because they shared one word in their names, I don't know if it is something good, but I wanted to talk about it anyways. Good work in general!

  4. Let's have some fun!

    1. Hello Julian, I played your game and I must say that it took more time for me to finish your game than the others’ because of the amount of words there were in each square and because there is timing. I liked your game and I see you had a good understanding of the text.

    2. Hello, Julian. I think your game shows you really dedicated time to the text and to the activity as well. It took more time than I expected because of the amount of information you included but it was ok. :)

    3. Hi, Julian! I have to say that your game was really hard but I guess that's part of the challenge and all the information received from the text was well used in this game. Very well.

  5. Hey there, let's play!
    By Juan Pablo Velasco

    1. Hello Pablo, I already played your game and I noticed that you had a great understanding of the text. It took time for me to get what they explained there and I’m glad to tell from this activity that you also grasped the text.

    2. Hi, JP! I'd like to remark your category: multimodal task complexity. It took me a while to link the four concepts that belong to that category. Nice game!


    1. Hi Yeni, I think you did a good job. I played other games of our classmates and I decided to comment on yours since I found you chose 'the contributions' as a category which is very interesting for me, because the text mentions and explains some innovations which I consider help a lot in the process of muldimodal literay.

    2. Hi, Yeni. I think you have done a great job in your game. I like that you included "the contributions" since I consider it is an important part of the document. I had a good time when playing!

  7. Hey, guys. Let's play!

    1. Hi, Andrés. I just played your game, and I can say that you read the text thoroughly, since the your game contains many key concepts from the text.

  8. Hey there. Here's my game. Hope you like it.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi, Santiago. I liked your game and I think your category regarding technology was one of my favorites, since to me it is one of the major aspects Multimodality must face and take advantage of nowadays.

    3. Hi Santiago. I liked a lot your game, although I got confuse in the category of design of multimodal tasks, when you add assessment methods, because I though the category was only about the concepts of modal density. Then, I remembered the consideration of assessment within modal complexity and understood your category. Good game.

  9. Hi, guys. Hope you enjoy it and find it useful.

    1. Hi Camila. Got a bit confused and lost it.
      I found the Teacher's criteria option a bit general. Anyways it was a good game.

    2. Hey! I tried like three times and I couldn't complete the game, but now I know that I didn't focus on some aspects of the text.

  10. Here's the game. Try to not get too lost with it.

    1. Hi, Jhonny. I must say I loved the way you design the questions like in a sequence of the concept itself. It was clearer to me than trying to relate the words in an uncontextualized way. Great game!

    2. My brain finally worked! I think the capital letters give hints to start making the connections, I liked it.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hi, this is my game. Enjoy it. If you have questions or suggestions, just comment below. Thanks

    1. I won!! Your game is simple, but it made me think and I really had to do some brain connections in order to complete it, so I guess you achieve what we were suppose to achieve. Thank you!

